North Logan City General Plan + Land Use Code


North Logan City is Updating the Plan That Will Shape Its Future!

As our area grows, we need to plan together for the future we want. The City is embarking on an opportunity to shape our growth with an updated vision and general plan. It’s your community, and we need your participation.

A general plan is a legally-required document that guides current and long-term growth, directs capital investments, and provides the rationale for local ordinances. The State requires general plans to address issues such as land uses, housing, and transportation. The City’s current plan was developed and adopted over ten years ago. Many things have changed since then, and the regional growth pressure in our area is expected to continue.

Project News

  • General Plan Public Workshop Event #3 – September 3, 2024. Meadow View Park,  4:00-7:00p.  (click here for more information)
  • If you would like to to receive notifications regarding this project directly, please contact the City to be added to its messaging system. (Just send a simple email to

We Need To Hear From You!

Through the planning process, the City has identified a number of discrepancies, outdated regulations, and inconsistencies that will hinder progress toward the long-term objectives outlined in the City’s general plan. With help from a grant from the State, North Logan intends to update its ordinances and regulations related to land use.  This work will include:

  • Design Standards.  This document provides builders the city’s engineering standards for things like road construction, storm drain, etc. 
  • Title 12 – Land Use and Development Regulations. This title contains provisions related to the development of land including subdivision and zoning processes, including related development standards,  and more.
  • Title 12D – Subdivision Ordinances.  The state legislature has outlined a new process for how municipalities need to administer certain types of subdivision applications. This effort will help the City comply with those new requirements.

We need to hear from you!!  The links below will be the working documents that will be shaped over the coming months.  Please type your comments directly into the draft code.  You might need to be patient while they load, but your perspective is important!

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