Planning Process

This phase involves a kick-off meeting with key personnel to refine the scope and schedule, as well as organizing the steering committee. An initial inventory of supporting documents will be completed, and formal notice to the public is made. Citizen engagement strategies are also prepared.

  1. Online project management meeting with the City.
  2. Project website or updated City webpage.
  3. Online staff survey and summary report. 
  4. Two kickoff workshops held on the same-day (conducted in-person and online). One with staff and one with elected/appointed officials. 

The purpose of the city’s design standards is to provide technical guidance to builders on the ways that new development can be done that works best with the community.

  1. Engineering consultation with city public works.
  2. Iterative development of engineering design standards.
  3. Integration with subdivision policy.

The Consulting team will complete a detailed existing conditions analysis, including evaluating the existing conditions and identifying issues between existing and desired conditions. Qualitative and quantitative data is gathered, analyzed, and mapped. Findings and problem statements are then developed with the best available information.

  1. Community assessment report.
  2. Updated website with story maps.
  3. Vision statements for major issues.
  4. Public input invitation.

Using online surveys and in-person events, the resident and business owner’s ideas are collected. Issues are prioritized, and the desired future condition statements are developed to inform policy and land use guidelines.

  1. Two public surveys.
  2. Steering committee feedback.
  3. Draft general plan document and future land use map.
  4. Public open house and working meetings.

The plan sees its last iteration with the Planning Commission who then makes a formal recommendation for adoption to the City Council. The City Council will then make a formal decision regarding the adoption of the plan.

  1. Final presentation on the plan
  2. Hearing support (if needed)

After the City has adopted a new general plan, the Consulting team will develop  suggested changes into the land use ordinances in the context of the goals of the plan, state statute compliance, and “plain language” clarifications.

  1. Zoning ordinance update recommendations.
  2. Implementation roadmap / matrix.
  3. Project close-out.

Project Milestones

November / December (2023)

January / February

March / April

May / June

July – September

October – December (2024)

  • Refinement workshops with steering committee (October 16).
  • Priority focus on the City Center Master Plan.

